Youth Biking Program Isn’t
Just About Two-Wheeling
Cadence Youth Cycling (CYC) is a per-
fect example of the multifaceted goals of
the Circuit Trails. Hosted by the Bicycle
Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, CYC
engages disadvantaged urban youth through
cycling. The program offers opportunities
for leadership and civic engagement not
readily available to the students elsewhere.
Young participants are encouraged to talk
to local officials about the viability of the
Circuit Trails, which helps generate sup-
port for the trail network while helping the
youth build community advocacy skills.
The program’s engagement of young
people “goes well beyond the bicycle.
Everything on the bike translates to every
aspect of their lives,” says CYC Program
Manager Cy Maramangalam. “It’s an
avenue that connects our students to areas
they’ve never been [to].” This includes
an outing to the Amish farmland in
Pennsylvania for a brief respite from urban
living; a trip to Washington, D.C., to speak
to senators; and travel to Seattle for the
Youth Bike Summit.
Cadence Youth Cycling also has worked
closely with RTC through several partner-
ship programs: Cycle Squad, Circuit team
and All-Star team. RTC helps CYC with its
youth education and stewardship training
programs on waterways.
Maramangalam says, “RTC has been
pivotal in providing watershed education to
our youth.” A scavenger hunt highlighting
how the water interacts with the trails helps
to round out their education.
Sixteen-year-old Tamia Santiago dis-
covered her love of cycling two years ago
through CYC, and she has been pedaling
toward success ever since.
“Every opportunity she
gets, she’ll jump right into
it,” says Maramangalam,
adding that she became
a member of the All-Star
team in her first season with
CYC and has embraced
every other program since.
As a result of her
perseverance, Santiago
was named to CYC’s Youth Advisory
Committee, the voice for the group, and
the Philadelphia Bicycle Advocacy Board,
which seeks to advise the mayor on ways to
promote and protect recreational and pro-
fessional cycling in Philadelphia.
Eighteen-year-old Allen Williams is a
Philadelphia native who stepped outside of
the city for the first time only after joining
CYC. For the past four years, he has been
a pivotal participant in the Youth Advisory
Committee. He’s now a senior in high
school with a perfect 4.0 GPA. He plans to
study biomedical engineering in college and
become a doctor. Along with Santiago and
others, Williams had the opportunity to
meet with the former Philadelphia mayor,
Michael Nutter, last summer to discuss the
CYC program and advocate for its comple-
tion. Nutter has been an ardent supporter
of the Circuit Trails since its inception.
In addition to supporting CYC, RTC
helps lead several Circuit Trails initiatives
to improve health, engage youth, promote
the Circuit Trails and study the network’s
impact. The health initiative has made
great strides within the region’s health care
community and specifically through the
Hospital & Healthsystem Association of
Pennsylvania, which included the trail
network in its recent Community Health
Needs Assessment.
RTC also collaborates with several
youth-based organizations to engage youth
in the Circuit Trails, including Simple
Cycle, a nonprofit community-powered
bike shop and faith-based organization in
Philadelphia. Another is Neighborhood
Bike Works, which since 1996 has been
using bicycling programs to provide edu-
cational, recreational and career-building
opportunities for urban youth in under-
served Philadelphia neighborhoods. Both
implement youth cycling programs.
As the Circuit Trails network contin-
ues to grow and reach more people and
places, public outreach grows in tandem.
The ongoing success of the network
depends on these initiatives. From Kidical
Mass Philadelphia, a movement seek-
ing to promote family-friendly bike rides,
to the Women Bike PHL, a grassroots
effort of the Bicycle Coalition of Greater
Philadelphia aimed at building community
and getting women out to bike, these pro-
grams combine with the Circuit Trails to
enhance lives in the Greater Philadelphia
area, both now and going forward.
Heather Mistretta is a Spring Lake Heights,
New Jersey-based professional writer, and
co-founder and president of Women & Girls
Education-International. She loves being active
outdoors and tackling new challenges. Learn
more about Mistretta at
Youth Cycling
program race
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