rtc policy 101
nity, those communities that are able
to take advantage of TIFIA financ-
ing can also use innovative ways to
pay back the funds. For example, the
Chicago Riverwalk is paying back its
TIFIA loan over a period of 35 years
with funds raised from rent and fees
from tour boats, private boat docking,
charter boats, leases, sponsorships and
RTC now has plans to educate trail
advocates on how to take advantage of
this new tool, reach out to local commu-
nities who want to build their trail net-
works and, over the next couple of years,
aid communities who are applying for
TIFIA credit assistance for the first time.
RTC’s State
and Local Initiative
What it is:
A focused effort by RTC to
encourage more investment at the state
and local levels in balanced transporta-
tion systems that include trails, and bik-
ing and walking infrastructure.
Why it’s a legislative priority:
“Traditionally, states and localities
have focused their limited transporta-
tion budgets on road development.
Unfortunately, TAP has not grown suf-
ficiently to keep up with the demand
for more active-transportation infra-
structure,” says Drew Dupuy, RTC’s
manager of policy outreach. To make up
for the declining buying power of federal
transportation programs—trail
builders are innovating to
accelerate the completion of
trail networks—particularly at
the state and local level, where
there is the greatest motivation
to get networks in place.
RTC is taking active steps
to establish partnerships with
more state and local groups to
share best practices, such as the
use of gas taxes, to help fund
biking and walking infrastruc-
ture—a strategy traditionally
used by many states only to
fund road development.
RTC is also working with partners at
the state level to help advocate for more
state-funded active-transportation pro-
grams, like California’s massive Active
Transportation Program, established
in 2013, or Florida’s Water and Land
Legacy Conservation program, passed
in 2014—both of which are expected to
allocate hundreds of millions of dollars
to active transportation projects over the
next 20 years.
“Many people can’t or choose not to
drive,” says Mills. “Our goal is to ensure
states and localities are not just invest-
ing in one mode of transportation, but
in balanced transportation systems that
serve the mobility and recreation needs
of everyone in their communities.”
RTC has been fighting
to grow and protect
federal funding
support for trails and
walking and biking
infrastructure for
almost 30 years.
for RTC. “We want to help communi-
ties build connected biking and walking
networks, and they need funding to
make that happen.”
According to Sinpatanasakul, bicycle
and pedestrian projects typically cost
much less than the previous $50 million
threshold; but, in many cases, much
more than what is available through
TAP funding. Additionally, she says that
the long and complicated application
process for TIFIA funds—which can
require several lawyers and consultants
to complete—has served as a barrier for
many communities.
“These reforms to TIFIA will give
communities of all sizes opportunities
to access TIFIA funds, which will help
them to connect trails into seamless net-
works and create safe routes for people
to walk and bike on an accelerated
schedule,” she states.
While Sinpatanasakul says TIFIA
may not be right for every commu-