Bobby Whittaker
Former R.E.M. Tour Manager
Creates Rural Connections
in Washington
nothing more
positive or
punk rock
than giving
back to your
Bobby Whittaker
President of Ferry
County Rail Trail
Partners and music
industry insider
trails. The materials were spot on: adjacent landowners
fighting it—supporting it—and then becoming advocates.
With no parks department in Ferry County, how
did you manage to fund the trail’s development?
We … aggressively went after a National Park Service
Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program
planning grant, which helped us develop a community
driven concept plan … it was a huge step. Our county
didn’t have the resources to work on trails, so I knew we
needed this help to move the project forward.
Some of my music connections also helped us raise
the project’s profile. R.E.M. signed guitars. Red Hot Chili
Peppers and Pearl Jam signed skateboards. Eddie Ved-
der donated a signed ukulele. Auctioning these things
off financed a large portion of the early development.
It became our “rock n’ roll” rail-trail. That profile helped
bring a lot more awareness.
What was the most important element
to this trail’s development?
We have shocked people with how much we’ve done
with so little money because of our strong partnerships.
We have individuals and local businesses who donate
hours of trail grading and compacting and provide
in-kind materials; these things are extremely helpful for
grants that require matches.
What has been the trail’s impact?
I used to own the old Republic Fire Hall, which is now an
amazing brew pub. Every time I go in, someone tells me
who they saw on the trail or who bought a new bike. The
proprietor recently said to me, “Everybody is so excited
to have somewhere to go.”
Amy Kapp is editor-in-chief of
Rails to Trails
It may be a no-brainer that Seattle-born Bobby Whit-
taker has always loved the outdoors, having been raised
by the first American to summit Mt. Everest. It was the
city’s music scene, however, that led him to a rewarding
25-year career in the music business, first with Sub Pop
Records, and then as a manager and tour manager with
iconic bands including Mudhoney and R.E.M.
A decade ago, Whittaker read about a former rail line
in rural Ferry County, Washington—a place he’d long
been going to “slow down.” Now the president of Ferry
County Rail Trail Partners and fellow trail advocates are
on their way to completing the 25-mile “rock n’ roll” rail-
trail, which is changing people’s lives.
What inspired you to get involved in the
Ferry County Rail-Trail Project?
Ferry County is rich with natural features … but it doesn’t
have a non-motorized path to connect the towns. I had
noticed in the paper that [a] rail line was ceasing opera-
tions. I thought it would make an incredible trail, and it
was an opportunity to give back.
There’s nothing more positive or punk rock than giving
back to your community.
What was it like for someone new to
the professional trail world?
I hadn’t known about the politics and effort it takes to
build a trail. I was a little naïve. I thought, “People will
support it, and we’ll have a trail—boom!” [But some
residents] were a little apprehensive about how this trail
could alter their existence and their way of life.
How did you gain support from local residents?
We actually used Rails-to-Trails Conservancy’s website
information, including the Trail-Building Toolbox
( rtc.li/ tools-build ),to educate the community on the benefit of
Read an extended
interview with
Bobby Whittaker
on RTC’s TrailBlog:
rtc.li/wa-trail- rocknroll.Read an in-depth
article on the Ferry
County Rail Trail,
RTC’s October
2016 Trail of the
rtc.li/totm- ferry-co.WINTER 2017 RAILS TO TRAILS